Time to bundle up Naples Florida! The weatherman is calling for lows in the upper 30s tonight!

Here’s what’s nice about Florida cold snaps … they only last a couple of days and then we are right back into the 80s.

The funny thing is when a cold front goes through Naples Florida, most Neapolitans actually look forward to it. Since Naples Florida weather is consistently in the 80s, a quick dose of chilly weather reminds us why we left the north.

This is the only place I’ve ever lived where I enjoy cold fronts and rainy days. Call me strange, but nights in the 40s and days in the high 60s mean I can break out my Snuggie, enjoy a cup of hot cocoa, and sleep with my heated mattress pad cranked up.

It’s a fun change from sunshine, humidity and warmth.

Don’t get me wrong, though, we Neapolitas are spoiled. We came here for the endless sunshine and warmth, so any cold front or rainy day best be short. And thankfully, they always are!