
Here are a couple of things I learned this week:

Florida homeowners worry about two things: hurricanes and mold. I’m sure there’s probably more, but these are two biggies. So when an inspector points out “mold blooms” during a home inspection, eyebrows raise and brows furrow. As the inspector explained, “mold blooms” are the initial onset of mold caused by high humidity levels and an improperly set air-conditioner.

Many Naples homeowners leave their residences closed up and unoccupied for months at a time and if the air-conditioner is set 80 degrees and above, mold can set in. Inspectors advise that you leave the air-conditioning set at no more than 78 degrees.

In this particular instance, where the home was unoccupied and closed up and the air set at 80 degrees, “mold blooms” started around the baseboards, electrical outlets and on the wire shelving in the closets (see the photos below). Most people may mistake this for rust. To get rid of the “mold blooms,” the inspector recommended a bleach and water wash, in addition to adjusting the air-conditioning temperature.

Mold blooms 2






















The second thing I learned … during an appraisal of single-family home, the appraiser explained that when you get up into the 1,500 to 2,500 square foot range, the number of bedrooms and dens is not as critical to the value of the home as are the number of bathrooms. Here I’m thinking four bedrooms and a den is a bonus, when in fact the baths play a more important role. Now I know …